Every insurance policy offers different types of coverage to protect your home and car. Each type of coverage is vital for your protection, but many policies don’t come with substantial liability coverage. While liability coverage is included with both home and auto insurance, you might not have enough should a serious accident occur. For additional protection, there’s umbrella insurance. To learn more about these policies, feel free to contact us at Allied Brokers Insurance Agency Inc. in Palo Alto, CA.
Why You Need More Liability Coverage
An accident with your vehicle or inside your home can lead to serious injuries. However, medical care costs in the U.S. are so high that even minor injuries can be extremely expensive. If you’re left with these costs, it can cause severe financial difficulties. Your home and auto insurance might have minimal coverage, leaving you vulnerable to any additional medical bills. An umbrella insurance policy comes with large maximum payouts, ensuring a serious accident will be covered by your policy.
Enhancing Your Insurance Policies
An umbrella insurance policy provides an additional layer of liability protection to both your home and auto insurance. It provides a thick layer of protection that can save you from having to cover excess costs after an accident. An umbrella insurance policy gives you peace of mind, knowing you’re well-protected against severe financial hardships that can occur after an accident.
Secure Your California Umbrella Insurance Policy
It is important to ensure you have adequate liability insurance. To find out more and discuss your specific needs, call Allied Brokers Insurance Agency Inc. in Palo Alto, CA.